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BYLAWS 2022 - 2023

for Quarry Trail Parent Teacher Club

Adopted by a majority vote on 05/17/2022

Amended by majority vote on 06/07/2022


ARTICLE I - Name, Office and Organization

Section 1. - Name

The name of this entity shall be the Quarry Trail Parent Teacher Club, hereinafter referred to as "PTC" or “Organization.”


Section 2. - Organization and Status

The PTC is organized under the laws of the State of California as a nonprofit public benefit corporation and shall operate as an incorporated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


Section 3 - Principal Office.

The principal office of the PTC shall be located at Quarry Trail Elementary School, 810 Lazy Trail Drive, Rocklin, California, 95765, in the County of Placer.


ARTICLE II - Purpose


Section 2.1 - Mission Statement.

The Mission Statement of the PTC shall be: The Quarry Trail Parent Teacher Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to maintain and enhance the academic excellence at Quarry Trail Elementary School. The group operates through the collaboration of parents, educators and the community at large.



The specific purpose of this association is to effectively channel the efforts and resources of Quarry Trail Elementary School parents, staff, and students to the direct benefit of the students; to facilitate mutual communication and nurture a cohesive relationship among Quarry Trail Elementary School parents, staff, and students; and, to initiate, carry out, raise funds for, and sponsor programs and projects that benefit the Quarry Trail Elementary School community.



Article III – Policies


General Conduct

The Organization shall not contravene or usurp the prerogative of the Rocklin Unified School District or the employees thereof.


Notwithstanding any provisions of these Bylaws, the Organization shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.



The name of the Organization or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern or in connection with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the objectives of the Organization.


National, State and Local Elections

The Organization shall not – directly or indirectly – participate in any activity attempting to influence any national, state, or local election.


Political Campaigns

The Organization shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of , or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.


Other Organizations

The Organization shall not enter into membership with other organizations except with the approval of the executive board. It may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare and education, but Organization representatives shall make no commitments that bind the Organization to an external group he or she represents without the approval of the executive board.



No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, directors, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the Organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in this document.


Funds Collected

Any and all monies collected in connection with any Organization function shall not leave the school premises except as noted within this policy. Said monies shall be counted on school premises by two (2) Organization members and immediately turned over to the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Vice President or President. In the event the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Vice President or President are not available, or any monies collected cannot be counted at the time of collection, said monies shall be placed in a secure, locked location at Quarry Trail Elementary School until such time as said monies can be counted or turned over to the Treasurer or President. The Executive Board may appoint additional Organization members to make deposits on behalf of the Organization. Only elected members of the Executive Board will be allowed to remove monies from school premises for the purposes of banking and accounting. Any monies withdrawn from the Organization account due to special request for funds must be accompanied by a request in writing and supporting documentation. After the organization has closed their financial records for the current school year, an auditor may examine and approve said financial records before a final budget meeting in September of the following school year. Custody and control of the financial records will be given to the incoming Treasurer(s) on July 1st with a two week transition period of the year elected.


Background Checks

All Organization executive board members and chairpersons shall sign a form provided by the PTC, that states they have been cleared by means of a background check, to be a volunteer in the Rocklin Unified School District.




All Organization officers must return all items that are property of the PTC by June 15th, of each school year. Items include but not limited to, binders, keys, laptops, office supplies, event decor, and flash drives.  


ARTICLE IV - Membership, Dues & Voting


Section 1- Membership. 

  1. Membership runs from July 1 to June 30 and must be renewed annually. 

  2. Members of the PTC shall be any parent or guardian of a student enrolled at Quarry Trail Elementary, and the principal, faculty, and staff of Quarry Trail Elementary.


Section 2 - Dues  


There shall be no dues. The PTC shall be financed exclusively by contributions to its funds and the earnings there from.


Section 3 - Voting Privileges


All PTC members have voting privileges as specified in the section below.


Members’ voting privileges will be limited to:


  1. Electing the Board of Directors at the annual meeting.

  2. Voting on any proposal which the Board of Directors specifically indicates will be voted on by the general membership.

  3. Members' votes will be limited to one vote per household(s) regardless of the number of students.


Unless otherwise indicated by the Board, all matters of the PTC will be decided by vote of the Executive Board only. 

Article V - Board of Directors, Executive Board & General Membership


Section 1- Number and Makeup


The Board of Directors shall manage the affairs of the PTC.


The required Board of Directors shall be at a minimum:

  1. President or Co-Presidents,

  2. Vice-President or Co-Vice Presidents of Operations (when applicable)

  3. Treasurer, 

  4. Assistant Treasurer,

  5. Secretary,

  6. Director of Fundraising (works with Director of Events)

  7. Director of Events (oversees the various committees for fundraising events), and

  8. Director of Publicity.


Chairs: Website Chair, Social Media Chair, App Chair, Registration Chair, etc.


A co-president, co-treasurer, and/or co-secretary is optional but not required if there are no active volunteers or interest in the positions.

Section 2 - Executive Board


The number of Executive Board members shall not be less than six (6), including the required officers:


  1. President or Co-Presidents,

  2. Vice-President or Co-Vice Presidents of Operations (when applicable)

  3. Treasurer,

  4. Director of Fundraising

  5. Secretary,

  6. The school's principal


The principal, staff member, and site council representative shall be voting members of the Executive Board, regardless of their status as members of the PTC. Any additional Executive Board members must also be members of the PTC. The final composition of the Executive Board requires that a majority of seats be held by members of the PTC. There shall be no more than one (1) executive board member from any household family.


Section 3 - Term of Office


Each officer shall hold office for one (1) year, beginning on June 16th, and ending on June 15th. An officer shall not hold the same position for more than three (3) consecutive terms, unless approved by the Board of Directors. All Officers shall hold office for the duration of their one (1) year term, unless a respective successor is elected, or in the case of resignation, death, disability or removal.


Section 4 - Election


A nominating committee consisting of an odd number of members including at least one (1) Board member and two (2) to four (4) PTC members may be formed to select a slate of candidates based on qualifications and present those candidates to the Board for election/appointment at least one (1) month prior to the election. Candidates for the Board shall be nominated only with the consent of the nominee.


Board officers may be elected yearly at a general meeting that must occur in May per Article VI. All persons must receive at least five votes in order to be an officer. Those persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be Board officers for the ensuing term. All members of the PTC attending the annual meeting are eligible to vote for the Officers. Each member of the PTC may cast one vote per household for no more than the number of vacancies being filled. Refer to Article IV, Section 2 regarding voting privileges.


Section 5 - Elected Officers


  1. President or Co-Presidents.

    • The President or Co-Presidents shall be the principal executive officer(s) of the PTC and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the PTC.

    • The President or Co-Presidents shall be responsible for reporting requirements of the PTC, as legally required, on the activities and operation of the PTC.

    • They shall be an ex-officio member(s) of all committees except the nominating committee.

    • Should the President or either of the Co-Presidents not be able to attend a monthly meeting, they may ask another Board member in good standing to organize and run the missed meeting.

    • Each Co-President shall have an equal vote on all motions pending before the Executive Board.


  1. Vice-President or Co-Vice Presidents of Operations (when applicable).

    • The Vice-President or Co-Vice Presidents shall assist the President or Co-Presidents in supervising and controlling all of the business and affairs of the PTC, and shall share responsibility with the President or Co Presidents for reporting to the Board, as required, on the activities and operation of the PTC.  They will adhere to the PTC's mission and help plan and execute fundraising needs of the PTC. The Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents may preside over Board meetings when the President or Co-Presidents is/are unavailable, as well as represent the PTC at additional meetings. The Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents shall, in the absence of the President, or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions of the President.

    • Has the power to provide the signature required for disbursement of PTC monies.

    • Maintain PTC 501(c)(3) status paperwork and insurance.

    • Call to order and preside over PTC and Executive Board meetings.

    • Work closely with the Principal and Vice Principal to coordinate fundraising efforts, events, goals, and needs of the school.

    • Coordinate with other Executive Board members to ensure at least one Board Member is at all PTC events.

    • Attend monthly PTC meetings and separate Exec. Board meetings every month.

    • Coordinate and communicate with Chairpersons for various committees and advisory boards to execute programming.

    • Attend staff meetings as needed to gain input, promote events, and work with staff.


  1. Secretary.

    • The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the PTC membership meetings and executive board meetings of the Board of Directors.

    • See that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws

    • Act as custodian of the PTC's records, and in general perform all duties incident to the office of the Secretary.

    • The Secretary shall have the meeting minutes distributed or posted 10 days after a meeting of the Board.

    • The Secretary shall have the amended meeting minutes distributed one week after an initial distribution or post of minutes for a  meeting of the Board.

    • The Secretary is required to attend every scheduled/re-scheduled meeting of the Board. In the event the Secretary is not able to attend the scheduled/or-scheduled meeting, she/he will find a replacement from the current Board to fulfill their responsibility during their absence.

    • Make available written records of all Organization activities to all PTC Members upon request. 

    • Compile the agenda for all Organization meetings and make the tentative agenda available to the membership.

    • Conduct any necessary correspondence of the Organization upon authorization of the President, Vice President, Executive Board, or Organization.

    • Maintain a current list of the Organization’s Voting Members.

    • Notify, in writing, officers of their election and chairpersons of their appointments.

    • Retain all Organization records on PTC Google Documents Drive for seven (7) years.

    • Maintain and update an inventory of non-consumable property purchased with Organization funds. Items on this inventory are the property of the Organization and must remain at Quarry Trail Elementary.

    • Maintain an accurate record of all revisions of Bylaws.

    • Under the supervision of the Principal, count all votes at meetings.

    • Provide a copy of Bylaws to each member of the Board at the beginning of their elected term.

    • Keep the official history of the organization including event overviews, budgets, beneficiaries, and photographs

    • Maintain annual record of all activities of the organization

    • Prepare and present a year-in-review report at the May Board meeting


  1. Treasurer

    • The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the PTC, and shall be responsible for providing relevant entities with all financial and accounting data required of the PTC.

    • The outgoing Treasurer will maintain the books of the PTC until the end of the current fiscal year.

    • The incoming Treasurer will work with the outgoing Treasurer in a training capacity.

    • The outgoing Treasurer will not vote on matters before the new Board unless he/she is also a member of the new Board.


  1. Assistant Treasurer

    • The Assistant Treasurer, if appointed, will receive all checks, donations, or any other funding and record their receipt.

    • The Assistant Treasurer will deposit all donations, or any other funds for deposit into a bank account. 

    • Issue receipts for monies received and deposited.

    • Keep an accurate record of receipts, disbursements, and other financial transactions of the PTC

    • Reconcile the bank statement on a monthly basis and verify the reasonableness of expenditures and deposits.

    • Ensure proper and secure storage and back up of all electronic financial records.

    • Institute financial control measures and keep an accurate record of all changes in the accounting practices of the PTC 

    • Keep the PTC’s checkbook and post all transactions.

    • In the absence of the Treasurer, the President shall maintain the checkbook.


  1. Director of Publicity:

    • Perform the duties of the Vice President(s) in the absence or disability on an interim basis until an election can be held.

    • Work closely with the Principal and Vice Principal to coordinate fundraising efforts, events, goals, and needs of the school.

    • Attend monthly PTC meetings and separate Executive Board meetings every month.

    • Coordinate with Chairpersons and event committees for all events.

    • Attend staff meetings as needed to gain input, promote events, and work with staff.

    • Work with Event Coordinators, Volunteer Coordinators to advertise all PTC events and volunteer opportunities.

    • Recognize Corporate Sponsors and Family Supporters on official social media accounts (e.g., Facebook), website and App (if applicable). Maintain the PTC calendar on the PTC website and PTC emails.

  2. Director of Events: 

    • File all necessary permits for events with the district, and other local governing associations as needed and approved by the Board. Perform the duties of the Vice President of Operations in the absence or disability on an interim basis until an election can be held.

    • Work closely with the Principal, Vice Principal, and Director of Fundraising to coordinate fundraising efforts, events, goals, and needs of the school.

    • Sign reimbursement requests.

    • Attend monthly PTC meetings every month.

    • Coordinate with Chairpersons and event committees for all events.

    • Attend staff meetings as needed to gain input, promote events, and work with staff.

    • Work with Event Coordinators, Volunteer Coordinators, and Director of Publicity to advertise all PTC events and volunteer opportunities.


Section 6 - Non-Officer / Non - Elected Board Members


6.1 Non- Elected Board Members



  • Act as an advisor to the Board on the PTC’s activities

  • Act as a liaison between the school district and the PTC and keep the Board informed of relevant information.

  • May send the Assistant Principal or Principal’s Secretary to Board meetings in his/her place


Non-Officer Board members may serve multiple terms and will be appointed annually by the President or Co-Presidents of the PTC. The President/Co-Presidents of the PTC shall be responsible for recommending the appointee, who must be ratified by a majority of the Board members. Elected Non-Office Board Members may include the following positions:


Registration Chair, Communications Chairperson, Corporate Match Chairperson(s), Spring PTC fundraiser Chair(s), Jog-A-Thon Chair(s), Grants Chair, Bronco Rewards Chairperson(s), Website Chair, Website App Chair, and additional positions as may be determined by the Board.


Section 7 - Vacancy


Any vacancy occurring on the Board or Executive Board shall be filled for the unexpired term by the President (Co-Presidents) or Vice President (Co-Vice Presidents) and ratified by the members of the Board.


Section 7.1 - Removal

Any elected officer may be removed by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those members present at a board meeting whenever, in the board's judgment, the best interest of the PTC would be served thereby.


A board member/officer may be removed when the member:


  1. Fails to attend two (2) consecutive meetings without adequate excuse; and/or

  2. Is not fulfilling the responsibilities of the office as prescribed in the bylaws; and/or

  3. Engages in conduct which the executive board determines to be injurious to the organization or its purposes.


Any officer being removed shall be notified of the reason for their removal and given an opportunity to speak before the entire executive board prior to their departure.


Section 8- Compensation


No Board Member shall receive any salary or compensation for their services.


Section 9 - Contracts


No contract may be executed or entered on behalf of the PTC without the express written approval of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall review and approve all contracts recommended for execution in the name of and on behalf of the PTC. Upon review and approval, the Executive Board may authorize any Officer or Officers, agent or agents of the PTC, in addition to the Officers so authorized by these By-Laws, to execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Organization, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. All contracts reviewed and approved shall be filed with the Board of Directors.


Section 10 - Advisory Boards and Committees


The Board of Directors shall have discretion to appoint one or more advisory boards and/or committees to assist in carrying out the purposes of the PTC.


Section 11 - Reporting


The Board of Directors shall be responsible for complying with all reporting requirements as required by law in order to maintain 501 (c)(3) exemption status. This includes the proper filing of taxes, statements of information, and any other forms as may be required by Federal, State and local governments.


Section 12 - Conflict of Interest


Each member of the Board shall sign and adhere to the Conflict of Interest Policy and  shall be responsible for identifying and stating any conflicts of interest when pertinent issues are discussed and voted on by the Board. The conflict of interest shall be noted in the Board's minutes and, if a vote on the matter is taken, the minutes will note the outcome and that the member with a conflict has not cast a vote.


Section 13 - Indemnification

The Board of Directors, including the Executive Board, shall be indemnified and held harmless to the extent and in the manner permitted in California Nonprofit Corporation Law.



Article VI - Meetings


Section 1 - Monthly Meetings


The monthly meetings of the PTC shall be held during the academic school year at Quarry Trail Elementary. Special or additional meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at such time and place as designated by the Board. No official Board meeting may take place without the consent of the entire Board. The Board shall determine the time and day of the week for their monthly meetings, and will attempt to adhere to such time and day for purposes of the Quarry Trail community to attend and for ease of staff and members.


1.1 - Executive Board Meetings

  1. The executive board shall meet no less than one (1) time per month to conduct all business as directed by its supporters.

  2. A quorum for executive board meetings shall consist of one more than half of the existing board members.

  3. The executive board may combine any executive board meeting with a meeting of the membership at its discretion.


1.2 - Special Meetings

  1. Special meetings of the Organization may be called, either by the  President(s), by vote or written petition of the entire Executive board, or by written petition of 25% of the PTC Voting Membership.

  2. In the event a Special Meeting is called by a written petition of 25% of the PTC Voting Membership, the meeting must take place in a timely manner, no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the request.

  3. A quorum for all Special Meetings shall be designated by majority vote of all members present t


Section 2 - Notice of Meetings


Notice of a time and place for any regular meeting or special meeting shall be delivered personally, or by telephone or email to each Executive Board member at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Notice of meetings shall also be posted for the Quarry Trail community through its regular modes of communications to parents and staff, and/or on the PTC's website.


Section 3- Quorum


A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. Unless otherwise specified, a majority vote of the members present shall determine the issues before the Board.


Section 4 - Action Without Meeting


Any action by the Board may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Executive Board individually or collectively consent to the proposed action. Consent shall be noted with the minutes of the proceedings of the next executive board meeting.



Section 5 - General Membership Meetings


  • Membership meetings of the PTC shall be scheduled and conducted at least two times per school year, September and May.

  • All such meetings will be held at Quarry Trail Elementary School with a remote option, unless notices are sent to the contrary.

  • Meeting date and time shall be relayed publicly via school publications and/or signage.

  • At the general meeting in May, officers shall be elected and the budget presented and approved by a majority vote.

  • A quorum for membership\meetings shall be designated when 5 voting members are present.


ARTICLE VII - Executive Board


Section 1 - Function & Powers


The Executive Board shall function as a steering committee and report back to the Board of Directors on its activities and decisions.  The smaller purpose of the Executive Board is to make high-level strategic decisions that are required in an urgent matter and cannot wait until the regular general membership meeting. The Executive Board manages all the affairs, activities, and operation of the PTC. The responsibilities include, but are not limited to:


  1. Transact necessary business during the intervals between meetings and other such business as may be referred to by the membership or these Bylaws.

  2. Create Standing and Special Committees and approve the plans and work of such committees.

  3. Present reports and recommendations at the meetings of the membership.

  4. Review and approve a budget prepared by the Treasurer to the membership for approval.


Section 2 - Membership


Consists of the following:


  1. President or Co-Presidents,

  2. Vice-President or Co-Vice Presidents of Operations (when applicable)

  3. Treasurer, 

  4. Secretary, and

  5. Principal.


*No individual may serve in two elected Board capacities simultaneously.


Section 3 - Meetings


Meetings of solely the Executive Board may be held during the year, time to be established as needed. * Special Meetings may be called per the requirements in Article 6.2 of this document.


Section 4 - Quorum


A quorum shall consist of one more than half the existing Executive Board members.


Section 5 - Voting


The act of the majority of the regular and ex-officio members of the Board present at a meeting shall be required for all action to be taken by the Board.

ARTICLE VIII - Standing and Special Committees


Section 1 - Committee Chairpersons


  1. The Chairperson of each committee in conjunction with the Secretary shall recruit the members for his or her committee.

  2. All Chairpersons shall report the plans and activities of the committee to the Board which must approve such reports.

  3. Standing Committee Chairpersons may serve in such a role for multiple terms, not subject to the Terms of Office indicated in Article 6 of this document.


Section 2 - Standing Committees


The Board may establish standing committees, as it sees fit, to fulfill the mission and purposes of the PTC. Subject to the approval of the Board, the President or Co-Presidents shall appoint chairpersons of all standing committees. The quorum for a committee meeting shall be a majority of its members. At least one (1) committee member must be a member of the Board. Standing committees could include, but not be limited to the following:


  • Broncos Rewards Program (part of Fundraising)

  • Spirit Wear (part of Fundraising)

  • Spring PTC fundraiser (part of Fundraising & Events)

  • Jog-a-Thon (part of Events)

  • Corporate Matching & Grants Program (part of Fundraising)

  • Corporate Sponsorships (part of Events & Fundraising)

  • Hospitality & Appreciation (part of Events)

  • Special Projects


Section 3 - Special Committees

  1. May be created by the Board for a specific time and/or task and shall cease to exist when that time or task has been completed or by June 15th of each year, whichever comes first.

  2. The Board or overseeing Board member shall appoint the Chairperson.

  3. The Chairperson of each special committee in conjunction with the Secretary shall recruit the members for his or her committee.

  4. Chairpersons shall report the plans and activities of the committee to the Board which must approve such reports.

  5. Special Committee Chairpersons are not members of the Executive Board and may serve in such a role for multiple terms, not subject to the Terms of Office indicated in Article 6 of this document.

ARTICLE IX - Financial Administration


Section 1 - Books and Records


The PTC shall keep correct and complete books and records of account(s) and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its members, Executive Board, committees, and special committees. All books and records of the PTC may be inspected by any member, or his agent or attorney, for any informational purposes,  at any reasonable time and upon reasonable notice. Reasonable notice is defined as seven (7) business days notice received in writing or via email. The Executive Board shall be responsible for complying with all reporting requirements of the PTC.


Section 2 - Budget


The Treasurer with the assistance of the entire Board shall prepare a budget and submit it in writing to those in attendance of the May meeting. * The Board shall present to the membership present at the September Meeting each year, a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses for the year * The budget shall be used to guide the activities of the Board during the year. * Deviation from the budget must be approved in advance by those in attendance at that particular Board meeting. * Copies of the budget shall be available to members both at the Quarry Trail Elementary School office and online at the school website.


Section 3 - Notes of Indebtedness.


All checks or drafts issued in the name of the PTC will require two signatures. Any two of the following are authorized to sign checks: President or Co-Presidents, Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents, and Treasurer.


Section 4 - Obligations


The Board may authorize any officer or officers to enter into contracts or agreements for the purchase of materials or services on behalf of the Organization. Written approval to do so must be obtained by at least three (3) elected board members and must include a Vice President and Treasurer. * Officers do not have the authority to enter into such agreements on behalf of Quarry Trail Elementary or the Rocklin Unified School district, nor should they hold themselves out as having such authority.


Section 5 - Loans

No loans shall be made by the organization to anyone.


Section 6 - Fiscal Year


The fiscal year of the PTC shall begin on the first (1st) day of July and end on the last day of June the following calendar year.



Section 7 - Use of PTC Funds


No part of the PTC's net earnings will inure to the benefit of any private individual. The PTC is not organized or operated for the benefit of any private interest or individual.


Section 8 - Auditing


  1. An auditor, appointed and approved by the Board, shall audit the books and financial records of the PTC semiannually.

  2. The auditor may be any individual that is independent and does not present a conflict of interest with the Quarry Trail Parent Teacher Club or Quarry Trail Elementary School. The Quarry Trail PTC Board shall seek and select an auditor, but the auditor  cannot be a current Officer of the PTC or Director of the Board.

  3. Results of the mid-year and final audit shall be made available to the Board of Directors in March and September.


Section 9 - Commercial Paper & Signing Authority


  1. The Board may authorize the payment of routine organizational bills within the limits of the budget adopted by the PTC and may authorize payment of other bills.

  2. All checks for the payment of money on behalf of the organization shall require signatures of two (2) of the following: President or one Co-President, Vice President or one Co-Vice President and Treasurer.


Section 10 - Deposits & Disbursements


  1. The Assistant Treasurer (or Officer with signing authority)  shall deposit all funds of the organization to the credit of the PTC at a financial institution (bank) as selected by the Board.

  2. All deposits and/or disbursements shall be made within a maximum of thirty (30) days from the receipt of the funds and/or orders of payment. Exceptions must be presented and authorized by the Board.


  1. Disbursements

Disbursement of funds require two (2) authorized signatures as stated in Section 9.2 above.


Section 11 - Financial Reporting


The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each meeting of the PTC and shall prepare a final report at the close of the year.


Section 12 - Bank Accounts


  1. The term “bank account” shall include any money account bearing Quarry Trail PTC as the account name (i.e. savings, checking, money-market, CD’s, etc).

  2. The Treasurer and President or Co-President shall be the only officers with the online banking password and access. Further, the PTC shall use a secure password manager. No passwords will be shared except via a secure password manager. All passwords shall be changed annually or more frequently as needed (i.e. if the Treasurer, or President officers change).

  3. Funds may be drawn from the account with two authorized signatures and approval from the Board. A receipt and record for any funds to be drawn shall be provided and documented for Board approval.

  4. All bank account statements must be mailed directly to Quarry Trail Elementary School – never to an individual’s home address.

  5. All PTC monies needing to be stored outside of the bank, must be stored in a secured (locked) box or safe at Quarry Trail Elementary School.

  6. The President or Co-President, and Treasurer shall have keys to the cabinet at all times. In the event an officer loses a key, the lock or entire safe must be replaced immediately and new keys distributed.

  7. Committee Chairpersons conducting a fundraiser, who need to regularly put away incoming funds, MAY be given an extra key at the discretion of the President or Co-President. In this event, the extra key must be returned to the President within 24 hours of the conclusion of the fundraiser.


Section 13 - Non-Budgeted Expenses


  1. Any expense exceeding the provisions of the final annual (fiscal year) budget is a “non-budgeted expense”. 

  2. Non-Budgeted expenses of less than $10,000 must be submitted as a Special Request for Funds.

  3. A Special Request for Funds is submitted in writing with a justification for how the money will benefit Quarry Trail Elementary using the PTC Treasurer Special Request for Funds form.

  4. Special Requests will be presented for vote at the following PTC meeting.

  5. Any Board proposal to approve Non-Budgeted expenses over $10,000.00 must be approved as follows:

    1. A proposal must be discussed and voted on in two separate PTC meetings;

    2. The agenda of the Board meeting shall include a notice of proposal;

    3. The board shall discuss the proposal at the initial Board Meeting – a summary of the proposal, the discussion regarding the proposal, and the reasons for the proposal shall be clearly stated in the meeting minutes;

    4. At the second meeting the board shall once again discuss the proposal and then take a vote.

    5. The results of this vote shall be clearly stated in meeting minutes;

  6. The handling of the notices of these meetings, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes shall be in full compliance with the respective articles in these Bylaws.

ARTICLE X - Dissolution


Upon the dissolution of the Quarry Trail Parent Teacher Club, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Preference shall be given to furthering the education of students at Quarry Trail Elementary School.


ARTICLE XI -  Authority


If any part of these Bylaws shall conflict with the decisions, policies, or procedures adopted by the Rocklin Unified School Board, or the laws of the City of Rocklin, the County of Placer, the State of California, or the United States, they shall be deemed null and void and the decision of the Rocklin School Board or relevant jurisdiction shall, in all cases, control.

Article XII – Amendments


These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed in either of the following ways:


  1. With prior announcement and listing as an item for discussion on the next general membership meeting’s agenda, and by the majority of Voting Members present at the membership meeting for which the issue has been agendized or


  1. By a unanimous vote of the Elected Board members, provided that the proposed amendment is listed as an agenda item announced to the membership prior to the meeting and the results of the amendment vote are announced in a school publication in a timely manner.


The Bylaws of Quarry Trail PTC must be reviewed and re-adopted every five (5) years at minimum.

Adopted on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 by the Quarry Trail Parent Teacher Club.  Amended on June 7, 2022.

Artice 1. Organization
Article 2. Purpose
Article 3. Policies
Article 4. Membership
Article 4.3 Voting
Article 5. Board, Executive Board
Article 6. Meetings
Article 7. Executive Board
Article 8. Committees
Article 9. Financial Administration
Article 10. Dissolution
Article 11. Authority
Article 12. Amendments
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